The Power of Environment- Nurturing Creativity in Our Kids

Marwa here, a proud mama and director of my own Fine Arts studio, and I've got a heartwarming story to share about my own son Jawad. This is a tale about the unexpected magic that unfolds when you immerse a little one in the creative cocoon of art (or any creative atmosphere) without any formal lessons or pressure.

Marwa Hachem of Marwa Hachem's Fine Arts Studio

Now, let me rewind a bit. I've always been passionate about art, and it naturally became a part of our household. My studio, filled with colors, canvases, and the sweet smell of creativity, is practically a second home for my children. While I'm no stranger to using art as a therapeutic tool – we previously employed art therapy to help my son with his speech – my intention was never to mold him into the next Picasso.

a young Jawad doing art therapy to help his speech

This past August, something magical started happening. Jawad, at the tender age of six, started tagging along with me to my studio a bit more regularly. Instead of labeling him as a student, I casually dubbed him my "acting assistant," and he just hung out during the classes and activities. No pressure, no expectations – just fun. Often times, I caught him lurking in the background working quietly on something. Other times, he seemed to be observing but I didn’t think he was really taking anything too seriously. I was just happy to have him with me as I taught my classes as usual.

Soon, it was like watching a flower bloom. Over four months, Jawad absorbed the artistic vibes around him, surrounded by kids immersed in creative play. My studio became his playground, and unbeknownst to him, he was soaking up the fundamentals of art like a sponge. As the popular Arabic saying goes, "Tell me who you spend time around, and I'll tell you who you are." Well, this became crystal clear as I witnessed the power of environment shaping my son's artistic soul.

One day, Jawad excitedly showed me his latest masterpiece, proudly declaring, "Mama, look, I added highlights!" You can imagine my surprise – how did he even know what highlights were? As I studied his creation, I was moved to tears. The drawing showcased not just highlights, but also impeccable lines, vibrant colors, and an innate understanding of basic art elements. My heart was fluttering to say the least and my mind worked a mile a minute trying to soak this all in. Then, in typical mom fashion, my tears overflowed.

Jawad in action drawing at Marwa Hachem's Fine Arts Studio

"Why are you crying, Mama?" he asked. My response? "These are happy tears, my love. I'm so proud of you!" And you know what? He was proud of himself too, basking in the joy of creating something beautiful that had moved his artist mommy to tears of joy.

This journey taught me a valuable lesson about the profound impact of environment on a child's development. I mean I had technically seen it happen with other children a countless number of times. But those were kids I was directly teaching art skills to in a “class” setting. Jawad's artistic prowess wasn't the result of formal lessons or structured teaching; it blossomed organically through the sheer joy of being surrounded by art. So, here's a reminder to all parents out there – let your little ones explore, create, and most importantly, have fun. You might just be surprised by the masterpieces they create when given the freedom to express themselves in a nurturing environment.

Keep those creative juices flowing, surround yourself with what inspires you and your kids, and happy art-making!

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