Art Therapy and Motherhood

Upon delivering their babies, new mothers encounter a range of issues, starting from complications during birth to potential infections after birth.

Among these challenges, postpartum depression stands out as a significant concern, impacting not only the mother but the entire family as well. Moreover, the risk of postpartum depression can be exacerbated by the presence of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

The surge and change in hormones for new mothers specifically can cause a big problem in the way they react and regulate their moods. To combat such a problem, there are a lot of things to consider to help manage the mother’s mood swings and depression. One of the ways to combat this is by using art therapy.

The Healing Power of Art for Mothers

Art therapy offers a valuable approach for mothers to find solace and distraction from their pain while allowing their bodies to heal and return to their normal state. It provides a means for mothers to engage in a creative process that can support their emotional well-being and promote a sense of relaxation and mental rejuvenation. Art therapy benefits the creative process by fostering re-silence, and self-awareness.

The Benefits of Art Therapy For Mothers

Artmaking is one form of expression for mothers to help them in many aspects. First, art therapy help reduce anxiety and stress levels. This is because it works as an outlet for the repressed emotions the mother has from handling many responsibilities that overwhelms her daily.

Art therapy gives the mother a sense of accomplishment. It is hard for an exhausted and overwhelmed mother who has so little time to do anything but take care of her children. Participating in the art-making process, whether through drawing or painting, provides her with a sense of accomplishment as she creates something within her limited time. This does not require a lot of her much-valued energy.

Another thing art therapy helps in is strengthening the bond between mothers and their families. Having an activity of drawing or painting together with a partner or children can strengthen their bond. This provided quality time for the whole family and help better understand one another.

A mother painting on a canva with her daughter next to her.

Moreover, art therapy works as an outlet and is judgment-free. It fosters a supportive environment for these mothers as there are no rules or regulations to follow. It provides that creating a judgment-free space that is not limited by anything.

This can be particularly beneficial when participating in support groups with other mothers facing similar challenges, and attending group art therapy classes together. This common ground between mothers also helps them feel like they are not alone. It provides a sense of belongingness for them particularly. 

In addition, art therapy is particularly free of all perfectionism and boundaries. The whole focus in art therapy is the process of creating rather than what the final product would be. This limits all expectations of what a product should be, or what a mother should come up with. It gives her a break from overthinking or engaging in any emotions that could be overwhelming for her.

A canva with an owl drawn on it.

What Are the Types of Art Therapy?

There are many types of art therapy to consider. It does not have to be limited to painting or drawing. Art therapy can be sculpting, crafting, or photography.

An additional form of art therapy involves journaling, which can include writing or simply expressing thoughts and daily experiences through simple sketches. No need to fancy them up, just scribbles would also work. Humans are creative just starting with simple drawings can develop into much more. There are no limits to what the mother can create.

Moreover, listening to music and letting it flow through your body as well releases all the tension and anger the mother held during her children’s fights or tantrums. It helps her express her thoughts and feelings in a healthy outlet.

In conclusion, art therapy in all its types is helpful to mothers. It helps her healthily deal with her emotions, and express them. This will in turn reduces her anxiety and stress and fosters a positive environment for healing and love.


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